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Updated January 20 2016 NEW JERSEY -- Zero Energy Hydrogen Extraction: The Energy Crisis Savior?

Plainsboro, New Jersey - April 24, 2005. A new energy invention- zero energy Hydrogen extraction that is patent pending, is expected to be issued soon. Engineer Inventor Mr. Hannah Awad has invented a solution to the rising energy cost crisis facing weapons manufacturers and energy companies: Zero Energy Hydrogen Extraction. The patent is pending and is expected to be issued within a couple of months. The intellectual property is available for sale.

The Energy Problem:

Regardless of energy consumption costs, weapons with greater fuel capacity and long range missiles are needed by, and must be configured to specification for, the United States Navy and the Air Force. Weapons with such capacities require greater energy usage than ever before. Add rising fuel costs, and weapons manufacturers such as Boeing, General Dynamics, McDonnell-Douglas, and energy companies such as General Electric face even more pressure: configure to specification to win or maintain a government contract, while keeping above the line of fire of energy costs and sinking profits. The US Air Force is on record for preferring to create their own weapon that more closely meets their long range needs rather than adapt from shorter range weapons used by the US Navy.

So what is a company to do if you are Boeing, General Dynamics, McDonnell-Douglas, or General Electric? Find a solution that will reduce energy consumption costs. Where do they look for such a solution? The energy crisis is nationwide, even world wide.

The Energy Solution:

Enter a new invention that produces Hydrogen with zero energy consumption: a timely, new invention. This invention has applications to consumer energy consumption cost reduction.

Details of the patent application and process to make a firm offer: zero energy hydrogen extraction.

For more information, please contact:
Media Contact in the UK:
George Aggrey: Pho ne 609-897-9567. Media Contact in the US:
John Newman:
Phone 609-897-9567.

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