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BUY IDEA FOR SALE, Battery Operated Body Brush,  U.S Patent Pending for Sale

Rotating Exfoliating Body Brush for Sale:

Inventor: Andre Jackson
Country: USA
Patent pending application number: 60/771,509

Market Appeal:

Patent pending invention for sale.

These new and revolutionary products have broad market appeal around the world and most especially in Asian markets where public bathing is held high in family tradition. The main appeal will be to the health conscience public who want skin that looks youthful and feels good, and gives a sense of vitality. The brushes will help promote the use of liquid body soaps and strengthen a bond between the two products for repeated use and consumption and should be the marketing strategy.

Other Markets: Dermatology, Skin & Healthcare, Hospices and Hospitals, Massage & Physical Therapy, Personal Hygeine, Skin and Foot Care.

Market Strategy:

The marketing strategy for the Body Brush would be to promote sales in cooperation with other skin care products from “designer” brands and “private” labels such as The Body Shop®, Sothys®, Guinot®, Creightons®, Dove®, Ivory®, Oil of Olay® and others by dual packaging. The idea would be to deploy a Sales Team to promote the Body Brushes and its consumable products by engaging in consultative selling techniques with these companies to help promote increased sales of their consumables.

This line of Body Brushes will have greater appeal to any “copy cats” due to its individual distinct design and personalization of the various brushes. Each brush will have individual designs to appeal to children, women, and men by the shapes and colors of the brushes. Also, to enhance appeal the brushes will have personalized marketing strategies such as “branding” which will affect individual buyers taste in the market place.

Great respect to culture will come into play in Asian countries where public bathing is deeply ingrained in their culture and creative marketing techniques would become advantageous. Many models could and designs can be produced to appeal to these cultures. This body brush offers ease of use while enhancing and promoting good hygeine.

The marketing strategy for this line of Body Brushes is endless with the right creative mind who has a great appreciation for the product and the people who would use them. Large retailers and private companies would see new “revenue” streams from a product that is non-existent on their shelves. This is to say that there is an untapped market out there waiting for this product. Through the O.E.M. process, this could be very appealing to private labels to purchase direct from the manufacturer, their own Body Brush, labeled to sell in the retail market at private label retail outlets that specialize in skin care products. This is where I see the greatest vertical market when it comes to sales growth through personal Account Management.

Other exciting potential to promote these products are infomercials, home and garden magazine advertisements, home shopping networks, internet and telemarketing techniques as well as existing independent sales agents looking for “new” products to introduce to the market. The marketing possibilities are endless, again, if the right vision is carried out and executed through proper sales promotions.

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The owner of this patent pending exfoliating body brush invention for sale (and registered trademarks) will be notified to contact you within 24-48 hours.

Target market: “private” labels such as The Body Shop, Sothys, Guinot, Creightons, Dove, Ivory, Oil of Olay, and others.

To contact the Inventor of this patent pending invention, click on the 'Order' button. The Inventor will contact you within 48 hours of receiving your request.

BUY IDEA FOR SALE- Rotary Body Brush, and Exfoliating Shower Brush, Patent Pending Information

Buy patent pending rotary body brush for sale.

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