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BUY IDEA FOR SALE, Buy Body Brush, Exfoliating Rotating Shower Brush, Patent Pending

Rotary Body Brushes®, Bath Body®, Baby Body®, Beauty Body®, Big Body Reach® for Sale:

Product Overview:

Patent pending products for sale.

My new revolutionary line of products called “Rotary Body Brushes” are battery powered hand held devices used when showering or bathing for cleansing and exfoliating the body and skin. The experience will promote healthy skin and provide a deeper cleansing of the skin layers. Through the use of these rotary body brushes you can choose brush head bristle strengths that are suitable for your individual pleasure during this cleansing and exfoliating experience.

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INVENTOR: Andre Jackson
Country: USA
Patent pending application number: 60/771,509

These Body Brushes will allow for a deeper penetration just underneath the epidermis skin layer to remove natural dead skin cells, which shed naturally from the surface and also help replace newer cells to the “base” of the Epidermis.

The Epidermis is that region which produces the skin pigmentation called “melanin”, a dark brown or black pigment that protects the skin from harmful sunrays that can be cancerous. When the skin is properly maintained through the regular use of these rotary body brushes in conjunction with liquid body washes with ultra fine exfoliates, the natural renewal process is therefore promoted leaving behind a subcutaneous tissue called hypodermis. The Body Brushes are to be used for the ultimate exfoliating experience. With the promotion of healthy skin layers cancerous cells are less likely to develop.

Physical Description:

These brushes will vary in sizes and shapes as shown in the existing drawings and will be anywhere from 8-10 inches in length as well as 3-5 inches in width, contoured with a pad for easy handling and grip and brush replaceable heads varying from 3.5” to 4” in diameter. A “high gloss” enamel finish will add luster and appeal to the bath and spa enthusiast.

The men’s “Body Reach” is a unique brush that has a much longer elongated angular shape that will be contoured for use in the shower to reach behind the back and neck and along the lower body extremities. It will be approximately 12-16 inches long with a “dog leg” shaped handle for proper angle to reach all body areas.

Of course they all will be waterproof and sealed with a rugged construction for durability and long life accompanied by a hook for the shower, replaceable brush heads, plastic storage bag, and a power cord for recharging the battery. A convenient designer rack shower “holder” can also be created.

Please click on the link below for page two of this patent pending ad:

BUY IDEA FOR SALE, Battery Operated Body Brush, U.S Patent Pending for Sale

Buy patent pending Rotary Body Brush for sale.

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