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BUY IDEA FOR SALE, How to Extract Hydrogen With Zero Energy, Patentable Idea for Sale

This unique zero energy patentable idea for sale relates to the extraction of hydrogen from water using zero energy, and specifically, to energy efficiency in processes used by the Aviation, Automobile, and Energy industries.

Extracting Hydrogen with Zero Energy Patent Pending Intellectual Property for Sale

INVENTOR: Mechanical Engineer Hanna Albert Awad

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ORDER HOW TO EXTRACT HYDROGEN WITH ZERO ENERGY INPUT >> Extracting Hydrogen with zero energy abstract, patent pending invention for sale.

This is a patentable idea for sale:
Patent application No. 10,361,902.
A buyer of the intellectual property rights for this zero energy hydrogen extraction patentable idea for sale will benefit from an already filed Continuation patent application. Expected time to patent issue: 3 months.

Target market: General Dynamics, Boeing, General Motors, and Energy companies. Invitations for demonstrations are being accepted from Boeing, General Dynamics, and energy companies, at their cost, or yours.

This is a Continuation patent application number 10,361,902 of patent application number 09/886,862 (Compressor) which is abandonned. This Continuation patent is expected to be issued soon.

Description of the invention:

A way to split oxygen and hydrogen from water with zero energy input.

Background of the invention and date of conception:

In February 2001, I was thinking about airplanes and jet engines. A jet engine is a nozzle. If we take a nozzle and install at its throat small jets of fuel and air at very high pressures, we can get a very large thrust due to the high pressures that could be used. A special design should be made.


To split oxygen and hydrogen from water without energy consumption.


Cylinders, valves, springs and pistons as shown by the Figures.


It is used to back fill the mix of oxygen and hydrogen without energy consumption.

Novel Features:

The system is new and unknown until now.


With zero energy input we can have hydrogen as a fuel and use oxygen for other purposes.

Testing Results:

This system is relatively simple to assemble with phenominal results.

Claim 4

I claim the right for using this system in any purpose or for any use. This system is described as follows: The system consists of four closed cylinders. The first one supplies water at normal temperature. The four cylinders are connected at the bottom by a pipe with valves. The last three cylinders contain a piston connected to a spring to the top of the cylinders.

The constant of the spring and its displacement of spring 2 is higher than both spring 1 and spring 3. The constant of the spring and its displacement of spring 1 is between spring 2 and spring 3.

The sum of the displacements of spring 1 and spring 3 must be less than the displacement of spring 2. And the sum of the spring constants of spring 1 and 3 must be less than the spring constant of spring 2.By action of valves, the first one opens, then the second opens then the third opens with all the rest closed. You end with oxygen and hydrogen at normal pressure.

The three cylinders can be repeated (three cylinders linked to another three cylinders, etc.), until we have a pressure at the last cylinder that will liquefy hydrogen (the liquefaction point of hydrogen is different from the liquefaction point of oxygen).

Claim 5

I claim the right for producing oxygen and hydrogen this way including sales, as a use for cars, electricity plants or any other energy or power production. The system is described as follows:

The system consists of four closed cylinders. The first one supplies water at normal temperature. The four cylinders are connected at the bottom by a pipe with valves. The last three cylinders contain a piston connected to a spring to the top of the cylinders.

The constant of the spring and its displacement of spring 2 is higher than both spring 1 and spring 3. The constant of the spring and its displacement of spring 1 is between spring 2 and spring 3. The sum of the displacements of spring 1 and spring 3 must be less than the displacement of spring 2. And the sum of the spring constants of spring 1 and 3 must be less than the spring constant of spring 2. By action of valves, the first one opens, then the second opens then the third opens with all the rest closed. You end with oxygen and hydrogen at normal pressure. The three cylinders can be repeated (three cylinders linked to another three cylinders, etc.), until we have a pressure at the last cylinder that will liquefy hydrogen (the liquefaction point of hydrogen is different from the liquefaction point of oxygen).

Make an offer today:

In response to a couple of investment companies interest in a demonstration, response is: please align your firm with a member of the target market for a demonstration, which is at their cost.

New Steps to follow to view application on USPTO Website as of April 2005:

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The owner of this patentable Zero Energy Hydrogen Extraction Idea for sale will be notified to contact you within 24-48 hours. See additional inventions and ideas for sale by Engineer inventor Hannah Awad: Index Target market: General Dynamics, Boeing, General Motors, and Energy companies.

To contact the inventor of this patent pending invention, the Express Interest fee no longer applies, and has been waived. Click on the 'Order' button. The inventor will contact you within 48 hours of receiving your request.


BUY IDEA FOR SALE - Compressor Patent Application Continued: Zero Energy Patent Pending

Buy idea for sale - Compressor patent application continued: : Zero Energy patent pending.

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