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Patents Guide, Turning Inventions Into Cash Cows, Patents Into Cash Information

Patents Into Cash Information:

Patents into cash information: most inventing, invention, and marketing guides are written by theorists, not by an owner of a successful invention and patent business. E-commerce is an essential component to convert a patent into a cash. Similarly, e-commerce is an essential component to license a patent.

Why waste $10,000 or more on free-for-all patent or invention submission companies- most of them advertise on national TV even after indictments against them by the government for fraud. Others only have a robot to accept your invention- nobody is 'home'! How do they sleep at night? There has been increasing demand for a reputable Inventor-friendly marketing and e-commerce company. Enter Princeton World Wide Web.

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INVENTORS PATENT GUIDE, PATENTS INTO CASH AND INVENTION SUBMISSION >> patents for sale information >> patent and invention marketing to cash guide >> Product idea review, initial stages

A successful Inventor's one-stop-shop E-business company guides through the maze of getting cash from patent sale, or royalties from licensing a patent, or intellectual property. Convert an idea to a patent, and from patent to actual sale and cash. Getting the recognition a patent or invention deserves is our business!

On, your patents are famous to the world! Additionally, we do not rush you off to accept low ball offers. So get started with us today. See links below to get started.

Patents Into Cash Inventor's E-Commerce Guide to Sales

  • not just a patent marketing company
  • not just a patent licensing company
  • not just an invention submission company
  • not just an invention marketing company
  • not just a digital marketing company
  • no blind submission of your product to manufacturers
  • no huge upfront fees
  • no slap in the face- no mere guidelines or a book to read
  • we want you to succeed
  • our business model makes you successful
We are Inventors, for Inventors.

Patents Into Cash Inventor's E-Commerce, E-business Guide:

  • sells all patented inventions with e-commerce
  • proceeds of sales wired or sent to you by check or money order, your choice
  • receive industry contact, get a product seen and sold
  • market a product in-house
  • or market a product off-site
  • we represent a product to major companies, ethically
  • we help set a price for market-ready products
  • no rushing you to accept smaller royalties or close an account with us early
  • Seamless, step by step e-Commerce services
Our approach is far more rewarding than existing Inventor services, or service guides. In fact there are no Inventor's guides for e-commerce that generates this level of success.

If you are looking for a company that will help you to finally convert your patent into sales or royalaties, welcome! You came to the right company. We give you the step by step help to making actual money. We are involved in the actual marketing process. Get paid for your invention. We have been helping Inventors profit from their inventions since 1999.

Pick the extent of our involvement throughout the process:

Get E-Commerce- Generate Patent/ Invention Revenue

Don't get frustrated- we get you started, after you protect your ideas the way the pros do.

Our Inventors guide is the step by step guide to how e-commerce will help you to make money from your patented (or patent pending) invention. We turn your dreams into reality. So many books write about how to do it, invention submission companies only take your money, and others only have a robot. None of them have E-Commerce experience required to make the actual money for you. The actual fact is that they will not make the money for you, we will. How many Inventors have they lost? Millions. We want to solve this problem, and are proud to say Inventors have been pouring their thanks for's Inventor-friendly service.
  • How do you turn an idea into an invention?
  • How do you market your idea without giving it away?
  • When do you need a lawyer?
  • Where do you go to get a patent?
  • How can you profit from licensing your invention?
  • What are the most common mistakes Inventors make?
Get our service, and get it done right the first time. No more the frustrated Inventor. No more wasted years sitting on your invention. Instead, turn your patent into a virtual cash machine. Treat your patent the way it was intended: milk the patent for all it is worth, not the other way around.

Our Inventors guide: e-commerce, and converting patent into sales is every Inventor's dream come true. The only E-Commerce service or E-business service by a successful Invention company, not a patent attorney, or a professional author. Get real-world results, not hype and no sales. Do you like cash? Who doesn't? Then what are you waiting for? Please enter your information below and get help without further delay! 97% of Inventors fail, and 99% of Inventors never make any money from their inventions. These statistics reported by the United States Patent and Trademark Office are dismal. You will be to blame if you go the route of the Invention Submission companies. Any company that tells you that you can sit on your duff and receive a huge check is not for real. Nothing ventured, nothing gained: here are your options:

Cost to Market Your Invention: Website

Take advantage of our 50 years combined experience: A. Market your own invention with us: we provide guidance. OPTION 1:
  • Get business, E-commerce, Search testing, Copywriting, and competitor battle plan consulting services for your home page, and one of your major products or services: $400/month
  • Get business, E-commerce, Search testing, Copywriting, and competitor battle plan consulting services, weekly maintenance and updates for 20 Website pages, unlimited number of informational pages: $800/month, or one time payment of $4,500 covers Website creation, monthly maintenance and updates for 12 months
B. Have us market your invention:

  • Get up to 5 E-Commerce optimized Website pages to market your invention on our Website $100/month, or $600 for 12 months
  • Get your own Website, optimized to increase sales potential
  • 2 Website pages: $200/month, or $2,500 for 12 months
  • 5 Website pages: $250/month, or $3,000 for 12 months
All the above fees include e-Commerce, and search engine marketing service, which means we also offer your product for immediate sale to consumers, who can then use a credit card to make a purchase. Offer good only on invention products that are either pre-packaged, that are tangible, or can be shipped/e-mailed.

How to order service? Or, see links below for listing-only, no E-commerce sales option:

Cost to Advertise Invention For Sale on

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Patents, and Invention Marketing- Great Cash Solutions for Patents, and IP

Patents and invention marketing- cashing out intellectual property.

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FAQ, frequently asked patent questions.

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Intellectual property and patent information: Getting started:

Sell a Trademark

2024 business resolution to sell a trademark is now!

License a Trademark

2024 business resolution to license your trademark is on the table!

Get e-Discovery Solutions

Got an E-discovery bottleneck? Business scenario: do something about it in 2024.

Sell a Patent

Your patent is waiting to be recognized and sold for all it's worth today!

Sell a Copyright

Copyright notices, plus infringer alerts- now get your power back for your life's work.

Investment opportunities

Investors with money to spend have a pet peeve- not knowing that your business even exists!

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