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Patentable Ideas and Inventions Check, Before Patent Specification Writing

Got a patentable invention?

Prior art check it against existing inventions!

Patentable ideas and inventions are crucial requirements of successful patents- a big part of the patenting equation, and of the patent process itself. You need a checklist to see if your baby is good enough for the United States Patent and Trademark Office.

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Not every idea is patentable

Finding out that an idea or invention is not patentable could be good news. You save hours of labor, other people's time, your time, not to mention money spent on materials, and the application process itself. Don't get your application rejected with merit.

The following 10 point checklist will help guarantee a more successful patent process, with smaller likelihood of being rejected:

How do you determine if an idea or invention is patentable?
    Prior art. Idea or invention:
  • 1. has not been described in detail, or sold for over a year or more by you or others
  • 2. is not already available in print, online publications or other media

  • 3. has not already been patented
Does the idea or invention pass so far? If so, proceed to point number 4:
    Putting to practice. Idea or invention:
  • 4. is useful and solves a known problem, or improves on an existing solution
  • 5. describes different uses
  • 6. describes different designs
  • 7. performs better or worse than an existing invention e.g Remember the story about Post-It®s
  • 8. is non-obvious; an expert in that field should not be able to easily create the invention
  • 9. is claimed, sufficiently and clearly described in the patent specification
  • 10. must be easy enough for someone with ordinary skills in the field of the invention to make and use

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2024 business resolution to license your trademark is on the table!

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Got an E-discovery bottleneck? Business scenario: do something about it in 2024.

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Your patent is waiting to be recognized and sold for all it's worth today!

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Copyright notices, plus infringer alerts- now get your power back for your life's work.

Investment opportunities

Investors with money to spend have a pet peeve- not knowing that your business even exists!

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