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PATENTS FOR SALE, LICENSING PATENTS- Sell Patents, Buy Patents, and Patent Rights

Patents sale, or royalties:

Got patents for sale or a patent to license to earn royalties? With a patent, choose to sell your patent rights, or license a patent in exchange for royalty payments. Seeking a patent to buy under $250,000? Buy patent rights on Patents available for sale over $250,000 are located on their own individual web pages, as well as in several other categories, including a directory of patents for sale.

Patents for Sale and License:

Guarantee a higher level of success- cover your bases and get both Patent to License and Patent for Sale service. No one, not even a computer program can accurately predict the future. Insure greater chances of success.

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The new welcomes you to join the Inventor revolution(SM) today! Investors are waiting to turn your invention idea and patent idea into a successful product. Join forces with and to receive visibility 100 times more powerful through our invention company and market place.

Market demand may indicate more interest in licensing than a sale of a patent. Conversely, market demand may indicate interest in licensing a patent over buying a patent. Ordinarily that would be frustrating. However, it isn't. Have a submitted patent listed for sale AND license on web pages created exclusively for each patent- Patent for Sale, and Patent for License. Dual service includes a Patent Press Release(TM) service at no extra cost.

Inventors! When patent sells 2% of proceeds of sale is due. When patent gets licensed, 2% of royalties are due.

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How it works:

Click on the 'Order patent for sale and license service' link to get started and submit advertiser and patent information. The patent is covered.

Otherwise, the following would happen, for example: a Patent for Sale only ad is ordered, but instead of buyers responding to the patent ad, licensors are interested in the patent. Not a bad problem you say? Unfortunately, the patent is not listed in the right category so buyers pass up on the opportunity to do business with your submitted patent.

The same unfortunate situation occurs when a Patent to License only ad is ordered, but instead of licensors responding to the patent ad, a buyer is interested in the patent.

Other advantages:
  • no other patents advertised on customized patent pages
  • therefore a search on the internet shows information exclusive to you/ your client's patent
  • Buyers are therefore focused, and not distracted by other patents on the page
  • Receive real leads, not just number of clicks or views
  • patent receives additional exposure on the Patent for Sale, and Patent for License patent listings
  • companies interested in your submitted patent respond to the contact person provided
  • or, request an order form placed on your patent ad
  • to be used by an interested buyer/ licensor

Patent for Sale or License

Join the Inventor revolution(SM)!

Buy and sell patents, intellectual property, inventions, and patentable ideas on We revolutionized the invention marketing and invention submission process- dignity matched with honesty. Patents and intellectual property are available from patent attorney offices, individual Inventors, as well as invention-based businesses.

Buyer? Search for patents for sale and inventions for sale. Seller? We are at your service whether you are an invention-based business, individual Inventor, patent attorney office or trademark office. We believe in your ideas!

Join the Inventor revolution(SM) and turn your dreams into reality by selling your invention ideas to the world with

All you have to do is submit your idea or send an e-mail with complete information to sell patent, intellectual property, invention, patentable idea, license patent, and sell invention to the world. Promote your patent for sale or invention for sale without marketing costs on our invention market place and to local communities.

Each Inventor can freely advertise their patent, idea, invention, and intellectual property right from the beginning and receive not just views but responses. Any Inventor, patent attorney office, trademark office or invention-based company can buy or list patent and intellectual property for sale or license.

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Intellectual property and patent information: Getting started:

Sell a Trademark

2024 business resolution to sell a trademark is now!

License a Trademark

2024 business resolution to license your trademark is on the table!

Get e-Discovery Solutions

Got an E-discovery bottleneck? Business scenario: do something about it in 2024.

Sell a Patent

Your patent is waiting to be recognized and sold for all it's worth today!

Sell a Copyright

Copyright notices, plus infringer alerts- now get your power back for your life's work.

Investment opportunities

Investors with money to spend have a pet peeve- not knowing that your business even exists!

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