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BUY IDEA FOR SALE, Steel Bars for Construction, 30% Less Steel Usage, Ideas for Sale

initial offer made January 2005. This unique steel bars patentable idea relates specifically to: selection of steel bars for construction according to maximum allowable stress and steel bar weight.

The patent application has been filed as a Design patent. A buyer of this Selection of steel bars for construction according to maximum allowable stress per steel bar weight patentable idea for sale will continue the patent. Additionally, the application must be filed as a Utility application to conserve the date- get the benefit of the earlier filing date. Inventor will upon receiving a firm offer, provide all necessary technological assistance to buyer.

Selection of Construction Steel Bars Per Maximum Allowable Stress, Uses 30% Less Steel

This is a time-sensitive idea for sale: Patent application No. 29,142,212.
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INVENTOR: Mechanical Engineer Hanna Albert Awad

Description of the invention:

A = Maximum allowable stress on a specific section size of a steel bar _______________________________________________________

Weight of this bar per meter
B = Maximum allowable shear on a specific section size of a steel bar _______________________________________________________

Weight of this bar per meter

For steel bar 6 millimeter in section we have two values A1, B1.

For steel bar 8 millimeter in section we have two values A2, B2.

For steel bar 10 millimeter in section we have two values A3, B3, etc.

After these calculations we can optimize and choose the steel bar that has maximum values of A, B from all tubes. Or we can take the bar that has maximum A value for certain application, and the bar that has maximum B value for another application. These two sizes will be used in all bundles where steel bars are needed. This applies to U and I shaped and all type of steel shapes used in steel construction.

So, we use two sizes of steel bars in a construction project. By doing so, we can cut the weight of steel used in the project by at least 30%.

Background of the invention and date of conception:

In 2000 -- I was watching television and I saw a summary on a skyscraper on CNN. It gave me the idea to select steel bars for construction according to their maximum allowable stress per steel bar weight (for each steel bar size). Which will cut the weight of steel used in a project by at least 30 percent.


To cut the cost of construction cost. We can cut the weight of steel used in a project, so we will be able to use less weight of steel for the same stress and steel bar weight analysis.


All sizes and types of steel bars to be able to make the steel bar weight and stress tests on them.


This selection technique could be used for all types of steel constructions and all types of buildings, bridges, highways, foundations, skyscrapers, etc.

Novel Features:

Usually, this is not the way we select bars, U and I shaped, or any other type of steel in designs of steel constructions and buildings. It is a new revolutionary way that cut costs considerably.


Cut costs. Use less weight of steel for the same stress and steel bar weight study.

Testing Results:

This is a selection technique for a certain design study of any type of steel and concrete construction project.

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The owner of this patentable idea for sale will be notified to contact you within 24-48 hours. See additional ideas for sale by Engineer inventor Hannah Awad: Index. Images available.

7/8/05, 3/16/05, 12/04/04

BUY IDEA FOR SALE, Steel Bars for Construction, Selection by Steel Bar Weight, Ideas for Sale

Steel bars for construction using 30% less steel idea for sale.

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