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SEO Quick Boost(R)

Level 2 solution: Combination PPC- Google(tm) Adwords and/ organic search engine traffic- SEO Quick Boost(R). If you want to be more visible online and get massive leads for your products and services, this is the plan for you! Option to create sales funnels whether you have a website or not. Unleash your businesses true potential. Unapologetically. Decisively. Includes website analysis and competitor report. Serving all industries including patent attorney ca, patent attorney anaheim, patent attorney ny, patent attorney nj, patent attorney, princeton.

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LEVEL 1 SERVICE: Business profile page, Home page spotlight link, or ad >> Level 2 service: Organic SEO, and/ or Google(tm) Adwords >> Level 3 service: Inbound links >> sell a patent >> Level 4: Set up fee -ask us how to waive set up >>

Patent Attorney California
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Custom Home Builder
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Our Search Industry Reputation

Proven results for reputable companies. Are you an gency? Get optimum results for client campaigns. Trust Princeton World Wide Web LLC, a company with 17 years experience in the Search space.

What is SEO Quick Boost(R)?

SEO Quick Boost(R) is a PPC, and also an organic strategy that helps a website rise to the top in Google(R), Yahoo!(R), MSN and all of the top search engines.

Get both strategies (recommended for mid to large businesses), PPC search strategy only, or organic SEO search strategy only (recommended for growing smaller business with big ticket sales). Get as many keyword phrases ranking/earned on page one: top ten rankings for organic search. No time for an SEO implementation, or SEM strategy? Call us- we can recommend the best course of action: (609) 897-9567. We will call you back. Clients receive a direct line for immediate contact.

When implementing a Google(tm) Adwords campaign for a company, Princeton World Wide Web, LLC takes into consideration keywords that are as equally effective as the most popular keyword phrases. This allows a firm to average out budget costs, however we can work with big budgets too.

Similarly, when implementing an organic strategy for a website, we combine easier to earn keyword phrases with the most coveted keyword phrases. This allows lower ad spend.

Rank Higher Locally

Ranking by local area or town for area of practice examples- competing websites per keyword phrase:

The following are actual local most preferred search engine searches and number of search results for: 'patent attorney anaheim', 'patent attorney long island' (NY), 'patent lawyer long island' (NY), respectively:
  • 'patent attorney anaheim' has 1,570,000 results as of August 12, 2019, compared to 214,000 results as of October 17 2017. On July 18, 2015 there were 122,000 results/competing websites. There are more websites competing for this search phrase based on the number of practicing attorneys in that region obviously, in addition to other factors such as actual user searches.

    'patent lawyer anaheim' jumped to 569,000 results as of August 12, 2019 from 50,400 results as of October 17 2017, which in turn compared to 49,100 search results as of July 16 2015 had continued to be an insignificant increase over those past two years. As of September 21, 2009 the search results had been closer to the 2019 figures at 518,000 competing websites. Anaheim has seen downward spirals of titanic proportions due largely to the lack of representation in the state, and in part because there were much fewer searches because those businesses went bust. And now this!

  • 'patent attorney long island' has jumped up to 79,400,000 search results as of August 12, 2019, compared to 1,790,000 search results as of October 17 2017, and compared to 108,000 search results as of July 16 2015, astoundingly lower than the approximately 3,000,000 websites competing for this longtail keyword back in 2010. This says that business in long island is unstable. It goes from boom to bust in cycles. External forces are at play here. Probably incidents that require the need for users to seek a patent attorney in long island. In 2009 there were 165,000 competing websites- popularity/ number of competing websites in

    'patent lawyer long island' has an astoundingly big jump of 79,400,000 search results/competing websites as of August 12, 2019 compared to a chicken little mere 384,000 search results as of October 17 2017, which is at least 79 MILLION more results than the 2017 figures! what may be going on here? As of January 6 2015, the figures were 242,000. Until the 2019 big jump, the number of competing websites had previously continued to decline over time: the 2015 figure was down from a whopping 2,920,000 (over 2 million!) search results as of September 21 2009. A significant reduction over a six year period. It could be because almost every aspiring graduate from law school that didn't already have an internship or silver spoon may have been thinking, "why not?" to creating their own website. Or, marketing groups or persons may have been penalized with checking on the status of their page results in

    It could also be that more attorneys were practicing in that area that used the more legally familiar term "attorney" to describe their profession. Or there could have been commercials using that longtail keyword. It could also be that attorneys in the areas were checking out their competition. Therefore, the number of attorneys ready to represent folks looking for a "lawyer" appear to outnumber the demand significantly enough as to make it extremely unreliable to determine if there was actual demand for those services.
  • PPC budget for this local ad campaign for several combinations of the above keywords without SEO Quick Boost(R) would have been triple the cost because of the stiff or inflated competition back then.
The following are actual local most preferred search engine searches and number of competing websites for 'car accident lawyer anaheim' (CA, California), and 'car accident attorney anaheim' (CA, California), respectively:

SEO Quick Boost(R)

  • 'car accident lawyer anaheim' (CA, California), has 1,590,000 results as of August 12, 2019 compared to 580,000 competing websites as of October 17 2017, which was then up from 178,000 results as of January 6 2015, and up again from 40,700 as of September 21, 2009 popularity/ number of competing websites in Google(R) search results. This search phrase shows a healthy increase over those years, with no downturns or drastic reduction in interest by all stakeholders.

    'car accident attorney anaheim' (CA, California) has an astounding 2,010,000 competing websites as of August 12, 2019, compared to 484,000 as of October 17 2017. There were 626,000 competing websites as of September 21 2015, and only 51,600 competing websites as of January 6 2009.
  • PPC budget for this local ad campaign for several combinations of the above keywords without SEO Quick Boost(R) would have been triple the cost.
Local rankings are the least difficult to rank for quickly in areas of practice. However, very popular search terms are hard to rank well in organic search, but not impossible. Time is a key factor, and this is where you may want to ramp up some ad spend for more immediate outcomes. Pay-per-click is the better strategy here short-term. Even so, we have achieved success for many of our clients.

Rank Higher State-wide

Ranking by State for area of practice examples- competing websites per keyword phrase:

The following are actual State-wide search engine searches and number of competing websites for (b) 'accident lawyer ca' (California), and (b1) 'car accident lawyer california' (CA), respectively:
  • 'accident lawyer ca' (California) has 107,000,000 competing websites as of August 12, 2019, compared to 18,700,000 for October 17 2017, stupendously higher than 2,000,000 competing websites as of July 16 2015. Consider that as of July 16, 2015, this figure was only 2,000,000, and lower than the 2,550,000 popularity/ number of competing websites in Google(R) as of September 21 2009.

    car accident lawyer california' (CA) has 51,300,000 competing websites as of August 12 2019, stupendously up from 6,320,000 competing websites as of October 17 2017, which was up from 1,140,000 competing websites back in July 16 2015. 10,600,000 as of September 21 2009. What a see-saw! Be careful when selecting this keyword phrase not to make it your 'meat and potatoes strategy', or the core phrase to target.
  • PPC budget for this State-wide ad campaign for several combinations of the above keywords without SEO Quick Boost(R) would have been triple the cost.
The following are actual State-wide search engine searches and number of competing websites for (a) patent attorney ny, and (a1) patent lawyer new york, respectively:
  • 'patent attorney ny' has 112,000,000 results as of August 12 2019, compared to 10,300,000 competing websites as of October 17 2017, and only 915,000 competing websites as of July 16 2015, down from a whopping 2,210,000 as of January 6 2010, while 'patent lawyer new york' had 2,890,000 competing websites as of October 17 2017, and 3,940,000 competing websites as of July 16 2015. The 2015 figure was up from 3,710,000 competing websites as of September 21 2009)
  • PPC budget for this State-wide ad campaign for several combinations of the above keywords without SEO Quick Boost(R) would have been triple the cost back then.
State-wide rankings are the next most difficult to rank quickly for areas of practice (very popular) search terms in a hurry. PPC search will advertise a business on the first day of implementation until the organic (SEO) rankings pick up by early second month.

Rank Higher Nation-wide

Ranking by State for area of practice examples- competing websites per keyword phrase:

The following are actual nation-wide search engine searches and number of competing websites for (a) patent attorney, and (a1) patent lawyer, respectively:
  • 'patent attorney' has 132,000,000 results/competing websites as of August 12, 2019, vs. 21,000,000 competing websites as of October 17 2017, which had skyrocketed up from 2,540,000 competing websites as of July 16 2015. The 2015 figures were down from 2,870,000 results- popularity/ number of competing websites in Google as of September 21 2009, while 'patent lawyer' had 13,100,000 competing websites as of October 17 2017, another skyrocketing increase from 1,190,000 competing websites as of July 16 2015. The 2015 figure was eerily down from a whopping 15,800,000 as of September 21 2009).
  • PPC budget for this nation-wide ad campaign for several combinations of the above keywords without SEO Quick Boost(R) would have been triple the cost.
The following are actual nation-wide search engine searches and number of search results for (b) accident lawyer, and (b1) accident attorney, respectively:
  • 'car accident lawyer' has 184,000,000 results as of August 12, 2019, vs a paltry 591,000 competing websites as of October 17 2017, which was down significantly (an understatement) by almost eight million competing websites from 8,530,000 as of January 6, 2015, which was also down from a whopping 16,600,000- popularity/ number of competing websites in Google(R) as of September 21 2009.

    accident lawyer' has 257,000,00 results as of August 12, 2019 compared to 22,700,000 competing websites as of October 17 2017, which was astronomically higher by almost eighteen million competing websites from 4,680,000 websites as of July 16 2015, which was then down from a whopping 17,500,000 websites- popularity/ number of competing websites in Google(R) on September 21 2009). There is definitely a see-saw effect with websites competing at a feverish pitch, only to plummet, and rise again- watch this keyword phrase carefully and use it wisely- this keyword phrase is not from 'steady stock'.
  • PPC budget for this nation-wide ad campaign for several combinations of the above keywords without SEO Quick Boost(R) would have been triple the cost.
Nation-wide rankings are the most difficult to rank quickly for areas of practice/ very popular search terms in a hurry. PPC search advertises a business on the first day of implementation, and on the first page of search engine results. Organic SEO rankings, once implemented, picks up to bring in (free) leads. These search engine optimization results.

Why SEO Quick Boost(R)?

  • Outstanding results!
  • get both organic and PPC search strategies
  • identify similar but less expensive keywords
  • be informed of lower rates based on number of competing words for overall strategy
  • keywords that cost less, but pack an equal punch!
  • quality solution guaranteed- the fastest way to the top
  • targeted ad campaigns combine excellent penmanship to provide all the information needed for a prospect to click, and follows through once they arrive at supplied destination page (includes accounts with Profile pages with us)
  • 15 years successfully creating and maintaining PPC campaigns and organic campaigns
  • includes national, local, and State Searcg terms
  • efficient processing of accounts
Whether a business has cyclical sales, is preparing for a big sale, is seasonal, or a year-round mid-sized, or small business, cost should not rule out opportunities for growth.

Be sure to mention SEO Quick Boost(R) or monthly SEO when you call, or select options here.

SEO Quick Boost(R)

Order search engine optimization (SEO) Search Strategist Quick Boost(R) and get a PPC ad visible in 1 day. Website organic visibility in Google(R), Yahoo!(R) and other search engines will take a little longer.

The following solutions are PPC solutions. Need a consultation before making a selection? Call us for assistance: (609)897-9567.

How it Works: Pay-Per-Click Solution

  • geographic area of practice (if applicable, for geo targeting)
  • SEO Quick Boost(R) solution researches proven keyword phrases for any particular industry
  • SEO Quick Boost(R) solution provides external search strategies, as well as improve internal linking strategy
  • title and description audits for any existing PPC search campaigns
  • PPC-only ad campaigns, no site implementation option
  • PPC search: ad monitoring
  • PPC search: ad audits and/ or implementation
  • place an order for Google Adwords (PPC)campaign, choose full optimization (SEO) or pick and choose based on website need
  • same day solution implementation available, e.g see Google(R) Adwords live next day or two
  • Minimum 6, 9, and 12 month contract recommended. 3 months- early into the second month positioning is clearly stable, and by the third month sales start to pick up in ernest. Therefore be prepared to keep the service as an integral part of doing business. The monthly fee is more than worth it with the high level of sales you will receive!

    New option for 2019!: get invoiced every 3 months! E-mail us, include phone number, spell website's URL, and the invoice will be sent out to you within asap for payment.

How it Works - Organic Search Strategy Solution

  • geographic area of practice (if applicable, for geo targeting)
  • SEO Quick Boost(R) solution researches proven keyword phrases for any particular industry
  • SEO Quick Boost(R) solution provides external search strategies, as well as improve internal linking strategy
  • title and description audits for any existing PPC search campaigns
  • research and implement inbound links to surge page rank, and rankings in Google(R) search engine, especially (receives over 60% of all world-wide searches.
  • we are a Google(R) friendly. Therefore we do not recommend or condone link farms (promising 200 and more irrelevant links). Such links only guaranteed to blacklist a website merely by association. Therefore quality, not quantity is the focus. One quality, relevant backlink equals 100 irrelevant back links.
  • Reporting of ranking improvements include referrer links from other websites- the proof.
  • Creation of custom links pages
  • Home page link from our Page Rank 4 website!
  • Keyword assistance and optimization for all pages of a website
  • Optimization of website META tags
  • Ongoing optimization of all the above solutions until Top OP Ten placement for a minimum 25 of most crucial keyword phrases has been achieved
  • 6, 9, and 12 month contract recommended

Business Focus (Area of Practice)

The following areas of practice are welcome:
  • patents and intellectual property
  • e-discovery and compliance solutions
  • attorney and litigation support
  • personal injury
  • practice management and support
  • medical experts and consultants
  • criminal law
  • court reporting and deposition solutions
  • additional added upon review
  • other business solution
  • other product based business
Ad agency, boutique agency within an organization, or an SEO company? You may have some picky clients: outsource to us and focus on attracting more business. Call, leave a clear, deliberate brief message and include phone number with area code.
  • critical business keywords and terms
  • local, geographical, business areas served (business-critical): nationwide, State-wide, and local area
  • company name
  • company slogan

SEO Quick Boost(R) Takes Sites Higher

Dual ethical strategies- includes PPC and organic ad campaigns designed just for the strategy you want and need: visibility from day one. Organic SEO rankings - essentially search engine listings of web pages within a site that match the area of practice eventually kick in- these are what are called 'earned rankings'. Please allow organic to catch up to the level of performance readily available to PPC.

Geographical Targeting

Geographical target marketing for service firms such as lawyers, SEO agencies, and more. Effective PPC and organic advertising campaigns matching area of practice or solution, audience, and region. These campaigns connect with customers ready to pay, while simultaneously clicking on client ad.

SEO Quick Boost(R) FAQ

  • What do Reciprocal Links and Links Partners have to do with the search engine ranking?
Search engines like Google(R) check a website's relevance by checking to see how many other relevant websites link to a website's homepage. Think about it this way. If there are 2 million websites on the internet that have links on their website to the Yahoo!(R) homepage, then Google(R) would rate the Yahoo!(R) website as a popular and high ranking website. Google(R) will then assign a number on a scale of 1-10 called "Page Rank". Yahoo!(R) currently has a Page Rank of 10, the highest level. This is because so many websites have links pointing to the Yahoo!(R) homepage.

By trading links with similar websites, a client's page rank surges in the search engines. Websites with the highest Page Rank show up at the top of the search results for relevant keywords. By trading links with other websites that have similar or related subject matter, you are in effect climbing the ladder to the top of the search engines.
  • Do you guarantee we get a top position in Google(R) campaigns?
Yes, depends on how high you want to bid.. We guarantee that client's paid campaign will show up in the top ten Google� Adwords or Yahoo! Search Marketing. Additionally over time organic listings can get to the top ten for client's selected keywords or area of practice keywords. That is an incredible guarantee! Anybody else promising less does not have Search as their core business.
  • Is it easy to implement SEO?
Getting to the top of the search engines is a lot of work. SEO requires more than monthly maintenance- SEO requires constant monitoring. Search results gradually rise to the top of search engines with constant monitoring maintenance. On the other hand, SEM/PPC allows almost immediate placement of a listing (not earned as in SEO, and is paid to third party providers such as Google(R) for an Adwords campaign, or to Yahoo!(R) for a Search Marketing campaign.)

The very competitive nature of search rankings means that clients need the best SEO expert money can buy. It is not impossible to get TOP TEN rankings for very competitive keywords in less than 2 months for certain industry keywords, although challenging.

For quicker visibility, add paid search to marketing strategy: get SEO Quick Boost(R), see details:

Organic SEO is very time consuming and must be done right to get results. Let us do it right for you, the first time. Hire a reputable SEO company to provide all search processes for e-discovery. Projects completed include Lexis-Nexis, Martindale Hubble (,, and Microsoft.

Ask for rates for in-house implementation.

We research industry keywords related to area of practice and optimize that list to create a keyword campaign on Google(R) Adwords and Yahoo!(R) Search Marketing, for example.

MOST POPULAR! Organic strategy- a website analysis is prepared for an in-house web team to implement.

Custom, relevant links page for the website is optional: a links page that is safe according to Google(R) standards. We then seek out Link Partners for you and trade links with them. Next, we research reciprocal links for the website.

Such relevant links - recommended by Google(R) - will skyrocket a website's Page Rank and link popularity in the search engines, further propelling client's listings higher in the search engine results- SERPs.

Continuous research and updated link building partners, including refresh website META tags and content to rank for 5 TOP TEN positions. That is just the beginning.

SEO Quick Boost(R)- Refer it!

Refer SEO Quick Boost(R) to Search agencies and fellow business owner friends!

TOP 10 results for less than 5 keywords: we request referal of our SEO solutions to business friends (same, or different area of practice).

Brief Background of Search

Our PPC (Pay-Per-Click) solutions are custom designed for search strategies such as Google(R) Adwords, and Yahoo!(R) Search Marketing. Listings have great call to action, and boldly display solution and/ area of practice, including location. Naturally, this gives an ad more relevance as soon as it goes live. More relevant ad campaigns are therefore listed higher than other Adwords campaigns, and enjoy more popularity and visibility.

Search Engine Optimization solutions are designed to help websites rise to the top in all major search engines including Google(R) and Yahoo!(R). We guarantee you TOP TEN placement for client's selected keywords or keyword phrases!

After ordering SEO Quick Boost(R)

And after ordering any service:
  • SEO Search Strategist Quick Boost(R) and/ technical support orders are usually processed by the hour and within 48 hrs of receiving order
  • paid search campaigns- PPC appear in the search engines as quickly as 24 hours, no later than 3 days
  • traffic from paid search traffic usually hits a website within 24 hours, no later than 3 days
  • organic search strategy usually takes 24 hours to 2 weeks to research and implement from date of order
  • organic results improvements usually take 2-6 weeks from date of implementation
  • organic search results dramatically continue to improve rankings with continued maintenance
  • Minimum 6, 9, and 12 month contract recommended

Why charge such a low fee for SEO Quick Boost(R)?

  • this is a pay as you go boutique solution, a lean, mean, only what is needed version of enterprise-level Search solutions

Though organic Google(R) rankings cannot be guaranteed, top 5 on page 1 is very achievable. Be prepared to continue on with the service for a minimum 3 months to get the level of sales desired. Maintenance recommended.

Disclaimer: Status figures for number of competing websites were from Google(R) and this page started on March 12, 2008.

Quicker visibility solutions: add url

Web, and technical solutions.


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Search strategy- Level 2 solution: 
Area of practice: 
Include Reputation Management/bad links?: 
Contract PPC/SEM and SEO accounts select duration: 
Start date: 

A Featured Business Profile Plus Google(tm) Adwords Campaign for 1 Year #1

Organic and PPC search strategies, Level 1 solutions.

A Linking Strategy for Websites and Patents for Sale- SETUP

Organic website service- Level 1, 2, 3, and 4 solutions set up.

A Linking Strategy With Profile Page, Website, Patents for Sale, or Other Solution #3

Organic website search- Level 3 solutions.

Patents for Sale, Sell Patents, Buy Patents, VIDEOS OF PATENTS FOR SALE

Patents for sale- videos.

FAQ, Frequently Asked Patent Questions

FAQ, frequently asked patent questions.

Frequently Asked Patent, Intellectual Property, Website, and E-discovery Solutions Questions

FAQ, frequently asked patent, IP, website, and e-discovery solutions questions.

DIRECTORY, Intellectual Property, Patent, Ediscovery & Compliance Solutions

Site directory: Intellectual property.

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Alphabetical site index.

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Got an E-discovery bottleneck? Business scenario: do something about it in 2024.

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Investors with money to spend have a pet peeve- not knowing that your business even exists!

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